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Clayton Van Hooser
Sept. 5 2018
Meet Clayton. He is a healthy, rambunctious, bright-eyed boy with a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts
Sept. 4 2018
As summer draws to a close and the air starts to turn crisp, Fairs across the country bring the summer season to close. There’s a certain feeling that just seems to surround “show season
Aug. 31 2018
In the passing of Maurice “Maury” Core and “William “Bill” Ahlem, the Jersey family lost two of its great leaders
Aug. 29 2018
The last two weeks have been pretty emotional for me. The video “Dear Struggling Farmer” wasn’t easy to share
Aug. 27 2018
Remember when everyone used to tell you that having a farm blog was a priority — before social media was all the rage? Are farm websites and blogs worth the time to build today?
robotic road
Aug. 24 2018
Uncertain times in the dairy world make our road to robotic milking scary, but here we go. We are finally finished with our plans to add robots on the sides of our conventional freestall flush barn
Aug. 22 2018
“Hello ma’am, is the owner or the gentleman in charge of the purchasing decisions around?”
Aug. 21 2018
A big part of my husband’s and my decision to come back to the farm was based on the way we wanted to raise our family. There really is no comparison to the values and lessons that this way of life...
Aug. 20 2018
The August Hoard’s Dairyman webinar looked at the top-producing Jersey herds in the country by analyzing nutrition and production performance data
Aug. 17 2018
Summer is coming to an end and another editorial intern is checking out of the office. It has been a pretty incredible summer
Aug. 14 2018
My oldest daughter, Monika, loves gymnastics. She has been swinging from and flipping around on the stall dividers in our barn since she was a toddler
Aug. 13 2018
For the second year in a row, Hoard’s Dairyman has captured the top three webinar awards from the American Agricultural Editor’s Association (AAEA)
Aug. 10 2018
I was driving to a farm visit, and any time spent in my car I am tuned into the local National Public Radio (NPR) station
Aug. 9 2018
Our staff is like our family. They might not be related to us by blood, but we respect and care about them like we would our own
smoke mask
Aug. 8 2018
It is no secret that the politics in California are a joke. For decades, California’s politics have haunted the agricultural community, but over the past few years we have been able to watch its...
Aug. 7 2018
I think we can all agree that we are beyond frustrated with the state of the dairy industry
Aug. 6 2018
At the American Guernsey Association’s national convention held in June, outstanding cows and herds received awards for their achievements from the previous year
Aug. 3 2018
Last week, I attended the Inaugural Dairy Experience Forum, a conference on engaging today’s consumers to build dairy demand
Aug. 2 2018
It’s been a summer where we have found ourselves short on help with a never-ending to-do list
July 30 2018
Wisconsin’s Marathon county was a logging community until the late 1800s. At that time, farmers permanently settled in the area, pulling up tree stumps and planting crops to feed their livestock